Freeze dried Fiddleheads

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Freeze dried Fiddleheads


Freeze dried fiddleheads in sealed Eco-Friendly Kraft stand up resealable pouches, weight 1oz. One pouch when rehydrated will equal approximately 1/2 quart of fiddleheads.

Fiddleheads are baby ferns before they become ferns. They are the furled-up stage of a fern when they just start to shoot through the ground in spring. As they emerge through the fertile, wet April soil, they grow and unfurl quickly, sometimes lasting just a few days in their furled-up stage.

Though all ferns have a fiddlehead stage, it’s the Ostrich fern, a specific edible fern species, that has become synonymous with the word “fiddlehead.” Their taste is often described somewhere between asparagus, broccoli, and spinach.

Check out Full Armor’s recipe page for some ideas…it pairs well with birch syrup! Rehydrating is easy, just put the fiddleheads in a small bowl of water for 10-15 minutes or until hydrated.

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