High Tunnel Install

17x24’ purchased from Ledgewood Farms in New Hampshire www.ledgewoodfarm.com Ed helped us get a custom sized tunnel to fit our needs on the farm, delivery was no extra charge. The setup instructions are detailed (powerpoint presentation, and written directions), and the install went super smooth.

Our intent is to use this high tunnel to grow turmeric, ginger, garlic and onions.

High Tunnel back.jpeg

High tunnel front/rear additions: Used 2x4, 2x6 construction and clear polycarbonate roofing for the exterior. The allowed us to add on a raspberry room in the rear or the high tunnel, and additional raised bed grow boxes and starter table in the front.

Raised beds

Our new to us High tunnel, which was graciously given to us by Tom H.-THANK YOU! It took about two weeks total: one week to disassemble, one week to reassemble on our farm. The only thing we had to replace was the end walls, and double plastic. This was a fun project…not to often you get to take something down and then put it right back up again! Thanks to Troy R. for the extra help with this project!